Software Compliance with HB21-1110 Accessibility Requirements

May 23, 2024

The digital landscape of higher education has changed drastically over the past few years, and as a result, compliance with accessibility standards has become a crucial piece of the puzzle. Colorado-based schools, in particular, are now required to adhere to HB21-1110, which mandates accessibility standards for all digital publications. This legislation holds both software providers and content owners accountable for meeting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) requirements in an effort to ensure equal access to educational resources for all students.

Catalog Build-Outs with Accessibility in Mind

Clean Catalog software is designed with accessibility at the forefront, with all software meeting WCAG requirements by default. From the build-out phase of launching a new catalog, we orient functional, visual, and navigational designs around maximizing accessibility. As a result, schools using Clean Catalog software can rest assured that their digital materials, including catalogs and curriculum sites, are accessible to all students and staff members, regardless of their abilities.

Meeting WCAG Accessibility Requirements

Clean Catalog's adherence to WCAG accessibility guidelines is comprehensive. Our software meets various criteria outlined in the WCAG 2.2 standards, ensuring that digital content is easy-to-navigate, readable, responsive, and adaptable. A few of these accessibility features include:

  1. Keyboard Navigation: Clean Catalog software allows users to navigate through content using keyboard commands, ensuring accessibility for individuals who cannot use a mouse.
  2. Alt Text for Images: All images on Clean Catalog sites are accompanied by descriptive alternative text, making them accessible to users who rely on screen readers or have visual impairments.
  3. Responsive Site Designs: Every page of a Clean Catalog site has a fully responsive design. This means that the page adjusts based on the screen type and size it is being accessed from to maximize readability and avoid any warping of content.
  4. Color Contrast: Our software utilizes appropriate color contrast ratios to ensure readability for users with low vision or color vision deficiencies.
  5. Text Size and Spacing: All text on Clean Catalog sites are optimized for readability. However, text size, spacing, and font can all be reformatted by the visitor to maximize readability based on their own abilities.

Ongoing Development for Improved Accessibility

Clean Catalog is committed to staying ahead of the curve when it comes to accessibility. We consistently roll out new developments to ensure that our software not only meets but surpasses accessibility requirements. As the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) releases new guidelines, typically on a yearly basis, we quickly integrate these updates into our software, ensuring ongoing compliance with evolving standards.

Clean Catalog's commitment to accessibility empowers Colorado-based schools to navigate the new HB21-1110 regulation with confidence. By providing software that automatically meets WCAG accessibility standards, consistently updating to exceed compliance expectations, and offering a comprehensive suite of accessibility features, Clean Catalog ensures that all students have equal access to educational resources.

To learn more about how Clean Catalog complies with the new HB21-1110 regulation by meeting WCAG requirements, check out our post on WCAG 2.2 Accessibility Standards.