Drupal 8 Integration Module

August 10, 2020

We recently released a sandbox module for integrating Clean Catalog course catalogs with Drupal 8 or 9 websites. With this module, colleges and universities that use Drupal 8 or 9 for their main campus websites are able to easily embed content from their course catalog onto their website.

How the Drupal 8/9 Module Works

After installing the module on their website, site managers simply have to enter their username and password (provided by Clean Catalog) to connect to their Clean Catalog site.

Clean Catalog Drupal 8 Module Configuration

Once the module has connected to your Clean Catalog site, site managers are then able to add blocks that will display any of their degrees. The block configuration will have a pre-populated list of all available degrees to select from.

Clean Catalog Drupal 8 Module Degree List

Whichever degree you select will then display wherever you place the block, inheriting the site's styles.

Clean Catalog Drupal 8 Module Display

Future Development

As with all of our feature development, we're working with our clients to make this work exactly as they want it. Being able to embed degrees on websites has been the most-requested development by our clients, which is why it’s the first feature we added to this module. We're now working on embedding classes and class lists, as well as embedding text content from catalog sites.

If you use Drupal 8 or 9 for your college or university website, let us know what features would be useful for you, and we can work on building them out.